
Annualised investment performance is 7.1% since the UWC Mostar endowment started investing in 1 November 2016.


Scholarships have been increasing year on year with the growth of the endowment fund.

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What our donors say?

UWC Mostar has been the final chapter in my long involvement in the United World Colleges. The problems we faced in the early days brought back vividly to my mind all the challenges faced by the founders of Atlantic College back in the 1960s. In Mostar, I feel we have a college on the true front line of international education. The road running past the front of the Gymnasium building was indeed the front line in those terrible events in Mostar in the 1990s.The UWC Mostar endowment campaign gives me the confidence that this work of mine and of my close colleagues now has a long-term future.
Antonin Besse
We passionately stand behind the UWC philosophy to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future. Even 60 years since its creation, The UWC movement continues to be relevant each and every day. Our donation to the endowment 'Bridge to the Future' funds scholarships for promising students from across the world, ensures through professional investment that the fund continues to grow and secures financial sustainability for UWC Mostar.
Adriaan de Mol van Otterloo and Fleur Meijs

What our scholars say?

I also plan to contribute towards the UWC mission and hopefully educate the upcoming generations on the importance of mutual understanding and respect. Coming from a war-torn country, I am more than aware of all the negative aspects that hate towards others can bring upon entire generations, and therefore I hope that some day the message of peace and respect will be stronger than the one of hate and disagreement.
Igor Gromović
This experience has created a beautiful space where I have felt freedom for the first time ever, true friendship and understanding towards others, leading me to belief that this country can truly achieve reconciliation after so many years after the war. UWC has made me love my country way more and appreciate how it really is, understanding and loving every individual within it. It has made me motivated to help my community and make the environment better for next generations who are the true deciders of the future!
Luka Rašević

The target size for the Endowment Fund is €30M, ensuring permanent funding for operating expenditure for UWC Mostar.

After the completion of the initial “pilot” period of UWC Mostar which was significantly supported by governmental institutions, a long-term financing model needed to be developed to secure the continuation of the College.

In 2013, Bridge to the Future, an UK endowment fund, was set up as a long-term solution to provide scholarships to UWC Mostar students. Bridge to the Future has established governance structures that ensure that the best-in-class stewardship of donor capital is put in place:

  • Separate charity from the College set up to safeguard the assets and capital in the endowment fund
  • Separate Board of Trustees and Investment Committee composed of senior, experienced and independent figures
  • Focus on core principles of integrity, transparency, endurance and accountability
  • Regulated as an UK Charity with the resultant strong governance and risk management frameworks
  • Annual audited accounts produced
  • Regular communication and reporting to donors to show performance of the endowment

The College has an annual budget of approximately €3 million,
with places for 200 students.

The cost of sponsoring one student a year is €15k. One endowment ‘costs’ €300k assuming 5% average annual return to provide funding for a scholarship every year into perpetuity.

Following the first 10 years of fundraising efforts, in excess of €20 million endowment funds have been secured. The overall aim is to raise a total of €30 million of endowment funds, ensuring permanent funding for 50% of the operating expenditure of UWC Mostar.

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Scholarships have been increasing year on year with the growth of the endowment fund.

The number of scholarships is dependent on the return on the investments and is determined each year by the Board of Trustees.

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The Endowment Fund will be founded on the promise that donors will be able to “to see their money working”. It's our goal to be excellent stewards of donor capital.

The core principles:

  • The endowment has a fiduciary duty towards its donors, UWC Mostar and UWC Mostar’s students
  • The Endowment should be fully transparent towards its donors in terms of fund allocation and distributions
  • The Endowment should have in place worst case planning scenarios and should be prepared for periods of upheaval and severe difficulties

Taking care of the donor’s interests:
  • The Endowment should facilitate what the donor wishes
  • Legal and tax advisory service could be provided to the potential donors at set-up stage

The proposal is for donations to provide a tight link between each donor and the direct beneficiaries of the donation:
  • Donations will in general be linked to individual Endowment Scholarships which fund individual students

There is full transparency to all donors through timely and extensive communication:
  • Every year the donor will receive a report from the endowment on past year’s performance and on other organisational matters
  • Every year the donor will receive a report from the College how the past academic year has been. This will be a frank and open report where all issues are discussed.
  • Every June the donor will receive a report from the student whom he or she is sponsoring
  • Every two years an event will be organised with the donors at UWC Mostar
  • If there any urgent matter of importance related to the Endowment Fund, the College or the sponsored student, the donor will be immediately notified. This will be in line with our principles of integrity, transparency and accountability.

A strong governance structure for the Endowment Fund has been put in place to ensure that the capital donated to the Fund is managed in line with the objectives of the donors.

The Endowment has been set up in the UK, incorporated under UK Law and registered with the Charity Commission

The Endowment will have two principal bodies, namely the Trustees and the Investment Committee:

  • The Trustees will have the ultimate responsibility for the Endowment and for the approval of the use of funds generated by the Endowment
  • The Investment Committee will be responsible for making overall asset allocation decisions, for the selection of professional money managers of Endowment funds and for the day to day operations of the Endowment

Subject to annual approvals by the Trustees, the Endowment will distribute funds to the Foundation ‘Education in Action’, which is a legal entity incorporated under Bosnian law responsible for the long-term funding of UWC Mostar
The annual approval process will be based on a combination of a) an annual budget for UWC Mostar presented to the Trustees and b) bi-annual update reports that set out how the school is performing against pre-agreed key performance indicators

The funds will be disbursed to UWC Mostar through the Foundation and the Executive Board of UWC Mostar, which has the day-to-day operational and administrative responsibility of running the College


Both the Endowment and UWC Mostar will have their performance monitored against targets, with ongoing communication of performance to donors.

Both the Endowment and UWC Mostar will have targets in place

  • These targets will be measurable and will permit the ongoing monitoring of the performance of the Endowment and UWC Mostar
  • Performance against target will be communicated to all donors on an ongoing basis

The key area to monitor for performance for the Endowment is investment performance:
  • The Endowment will have a medium-term return target of a 5% total return on investment net of all expenses
  • The Total Expense Ratio of the underlying funds will be monitored alongside the net returns
  • These targets will be identified and communicated to donors

Although an educational institution such as UWC Mostar will have many benefits which are not measurable in terms of numbers, the College will need to have certain key performance indicators in place that are monitored over time
  • Examples of potential KPIs would include the pass rate, average IB results, the number of scholarships won for leading universities around the world as well as management of expenditures within budget
  • Again these indicators will be identified and communicated to donors.

Risks will be mitigated by proactive planning and controls.

In the long term, conflict in the region might return

  • The College and the Endowment will have contingency plans in place to protect the safety of students and staff.

In the long term, there is a risk of cost inflation in Bosnia
  • For example, salaries (the largest component of the cost structure) are low compared to the rest of Europe
  • If costs grow faster than investment results, there is a risk that the fund will need to eat into its capital
Backstop financing to deal with cost inflation is to be sought from international bodies such as the IFC, World Bank, FMO, EBRD or EU

Corruption might thwart the correct use and distribution of the funds made available by the Endowment
  • Strict internal financial controls, independent audit checks and robust governance structures have been implemented

Poor investment results might have a negative impact on the Endowment's ability to distribute funds on an annual basis
  • Risk is mitigated by investment guidelines stressing asset allocation that prioritizes cash flow yield and principal protection