Name: ‘Bridge to the Future’

Pounds: Account Number - 87655573
IBAN GB20HAND40516287655573

Euros: Account Number - 50868175
IBAN GB39HAND40516250868175

Dollars: Account Number - 66476833
IBAN GB39HAND40516266476833


Sort-code: 40-51-62

Bank Address:
2nd Floor, High Hill House,
6a Hampstead High Street,
London NW3 1PR
United Kingdom

Join our Alumni €1 campaign
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Bridge to the Future
Join our alumni campaign

Any alumni gift will be matched 2 times so every €1 donated will become €3 instantly. Every donation, small or large, helps UWC Mostar a lot. Thank you!

For those living in the USA who want to donate in a tax efficient way, please donate through the Myriad USA platform, Every.org, by clicking HERE.
Be sure to select the "Add a Note" checkbox and specify 'UWC Mostar endowment - Bridge to the Future'. While various payment methods are available, we recommend bank transfers as the most cost-effective option which also allow for monthly recurring donations.


We have several matching schemes in place. Please contact us if you are interested in donating to the Endowment Fund or are interested in participating in one of the matching schemes.

We can be reached at info@mostarendowment.com